Game-Based Approaches to Improve Health Education Understanding in Students with Autism in Saudi Students

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Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh,


The purpose of this research is to assess the extent to which the integration of game-based learning can enhance health education results for Saudi students with autism than the other common instructional strategies. Since the study was more structured and survey-based, the subjects included 60 students in two groups; the experimental and the control groups. The subjects in the experimental group utilized an educational video game while the subjects in the control group were given traditional instruction. Self-completion questionnaires were used before and after the implementation of the CQs induments activities to evaluate changes in health education knowledge comprehension and the students’ level of participation. As for the above study hypotheses, it has been shown that the level of learning through the described game was higher compared to traditional means by 5,82% and the level of students’ interest – by 10,14%. Pertaining to the conclusion, it is vital to emphasize that this paper has provided a significant role in the proof of concept for utilizing interactive and immersive educational tools in delivering individualized teaching and learning program for students with autism and the manner through which game-based learning can facilitate improved specialized education practices.

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